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Lesson 3

Create Stake Pool Keys and Addresses#

In the post-Shelley era of Cardano, every stakeholder can have two sets of keys and addresses:

  • Payment keys and addresses: To send and receive transactions
  • Stake keys and addresses: To control protocol participation, create a stake pool, delegate and receive rewards.

Learn how to create those keys and addresses. To be able to follow the video better you can find the written tutorial how to create Payment and Stake keys in the stake pool operator handbook.

Create and Register a Stake Pool Certificate#

Learn how to create and register a stake pool certificate to receive rewards from stake delegation and from generating blocks as a stake pool. To be able to follow the video better you can find the written tutorial how to register a stake key in the stake pool operator handbook.

questions or suggestions?

If you have any questions and suggestions while taking the lessons please feel free to ask in the Cardano forum and we will respond as soon as possible.