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CardanoSharp Wallet is a .NET library for Creating/Managing Wallets and Building/Signing Transactions.


  • Generate Mnemonics
  • Create Private and Public Keys
  • Create Addresses
  • Build Transactions
  • Sign Transactions

Getting Started#

CardanoSharp.Wallet is installed from NuGet.

Install-Package CardanoSharp.Wallet

Generate a Mnemonic#

using CardanoSharp.Wallet;using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Enums;using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Keys;
class Program{    static void Main(string[] args)    {        // The KeyServices exposes functions for Mnemonics and Deriving Keys        var keyService = new KeyService();        // The AddressService allows us to create Addresses from our Public Keys        var addressService = new AddressService();        // 24 represents the number of words we want for our Mnemonic        int size = 24;
        // This will generate a 24 English Mnemonic        Mnemonic mnemonic = keyService.Generate(size, WordLists.English);        System.Console.WriteLine(mnemonic.Words);    }}

Create Private and Public Keys#

Add powerful extensions to create and derive keys.

using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions.Models;
// The masterKey is a PrivateKey made of up of the //  - byte[] Key//  - byte[] ChaincodePrivateKey masterKey = mnemonic.GetRootKey();
// This path will give us our Payment Key on index 0string paymentPath = $"m/1852'/1815'/0'/0/0";// The paymentPrv is another Tuple with the Private Key and Chain CodePrivateKey paymentPrv = masterKey.Derive(paymentPath);// Get the Public Key from the Payment Private KeyPublicKey paymentPub = paymentPrv.GetPublicKey(false);
// This path will give us our Stake Key on index 0string stakePath = $"m/1852'/1815'/0'/2/0";// The stakePrv is another Tuple with the Private Key and Chain Codevar stakePrv = masterKey.Derive(stakePath);// Get the Public Key from the Stake Private Keyvar stakePub = stakePrv.GetPublicKey(false);

Create Addresses#

// Creating Addresses require the Public Payment and Stake KeysAddress baseAddr = addressService.GetAddress(    paymentPub,     stakePub,     NetworkType.Testnet,     AddressType.Base);


namespace CardanoSharp.Wallet.Enums{    public enum NetworkType    {        Testnet,        Mainnet    }}


namespace CardanoSharp.Wallet.Enums{    public enum AddressType    {        Base,        Enterprise,        Reward    }}

Build and Sign Transactions#

This is just an example of how to start. You will need to Calculate Fees, compare with Protocol Parameters and re-serialize.

using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Transactions;
// The Transaction Builder allows us to contruct and serialize our Transactionusing CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Transactions;using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions.Models.Transactions;//For CBOR Utilitiesusing PeterO.Cbor2;
// Create the Transaction Body//  The Transaction Body://      Supported//       - Transaction Inputs//       - Transaction Outputs//       - Fee//       - TTL//       - Certificates//       - Metadata Hash//      Coming Soon//       - Transaction Start Interval//       - Withdrawls//       - Mintvar transactionBody = new TransactionBody(){    TransactionInputs = new List<TransactionInput>()    {        new TransactionInput()        {            TransactionIndex = 0,            TransactionId = new byte[32]        }    },    TransactionOutputs = new List<TransactionOutput>()    {        new TransactionOutput()        {            Address = baseAddr.GetBytes(),            Value = new TransactionOutputValue()            {                Coin = 1            }        }    },    Ttl = 10,    Fee = 0};
// Add our witness(es)//  Currently we only support VKey Witnessesvar witnesses = new TransactionWitnessSet(){    VKeyWitnesses = new List<VKeyWitness>()    {        new VKeyWitness()        {            VKey = paymentPub.Key,            SKey = paymentPrv.Key        }    }};
// Create Transactionvar transaction = new Transaction(){    TransactionBody = transactionBody,    TransactionWitnessSet = witnesses};
// Serialize Transaction with Body and Witnesses//  This results in a Signed Transactionvar signedTxSerialized = transaction.Serialize();

Calculate Fees#

// From Current Protocol Parameters// 44     = txFeePerByte// 155381 = txFeeFixedvar fee = transaction.CalculateFee(44, 155381);

Adding Metadata#

var auxData = new AuxiliaryData(){    Metadata = new Dictionary<int, object>()    {        { 1234, new { name = "simple message" } }    }};
var transaction = new Transaction(){    TransactionBody = transactionBody,    TransactionWitnessSet = witnesses,    AuxiliaryData = auxData};

More Examples#

Please see the Transaction Tests