Welcome to the February Developer Spotlight 2021. This month, we will focus on educators, and developer-focused content creators. Read on to learn about the ADA MakerSpace and the Hitchhiker's Guides.
1. ADA MakerSpaceADA MakerSpace is a YouTube channel dedicated to tutorials and workshops on developer components available on Cardano. Dedicated to Marlowe, Cardano’s domain specific language for writing financial smart contracts, the ADA MakerSpace channel features carefully curated content for developers.
With almost 9 hours of tutorials and walkthroughs available to watch on the ADA MakerSpace YouTube channel, it provides a very comprehensive overview of the Marlowe Playground and its associated components.
It’s a great resource for anyone looking to get started learning about Marlowe, Plutus, Haskell, or smart contracts on Cardano, so check it out if that interests you! Thank you BooneBergsma for your contributions!
2. Hitchhiker's GuidesThe Hitchhiker’s Guides are a series of ‘gists’—GitHub-based tutorials and developer notes— from our long-time community member Pal Dorogi. A goldmine of information on using Cardano developer tools and documentation, Pal’s gists are a great resource for both beginners and more experienced developers.
You can find out how to perform Shelley cold key generation, learn about staking, explore Plutus Playground content, and explore Byron-era recovery information through Pal’s gists.
It’s a great example of community participation and contribution, which we are really looking to increase ahead of the Mary hard fork! Check out Pal’s gists here, or follow him on the Cardano Forum. Thank you _ilap, it is clear you have devoted much time to these guides. Keep building!
The Cardano Developer SpotlightEach month, the Cardano Foundation will be selecting a couple of interesting community-led projects to discover and share with our wider ecosystem. We hope this will encourage those who are already building solutions on Cardano to keep moving forward, while also helping to inspire those thinking of building on Cardano to get started and collaborate.
If you want to draw attention to a project, please introduce it in the developer forums under "Cardano Projects".